> Solutions > Education and Training > EduCampus > Student / Trainee Management |

Student / Trainee Management
Customer Management Module |
Students can access the pre-requisites and requirements of each course, program and degree; enquire as to specific fees; and complete on-line forms/documentation and submit via Internet, fax or regular mail. The institute can track the applications and respond to the queries/submissions of the applicants. |
Student Administration Module |
Following the application process, the admission status may be determined via Internet, telephony/IVR, SMS, etc. Acceptance, rejection and further clarification notices are automatically disseminated and tracked via email or regular mail. A unique user ID and password is generated for all successful applicants which permits access to information regarding registration, accommodation, upcoming events, etc. |
Student Allocation Module |
EduCampus automatically allocates the student to the mandatory, optional and elective modules based on the criteria set up by the institution. The fee scheme is also assigned to the student and payment advice as well as other relevant information is generated. The administrator is able to monitor and generate statistics on various aspects of student enrollment per course/term/year, etc. |
Student Profile Module |
This Module organizes all the information relevant to each student, including the student’s educational history, disciplinary notes, course attendance summaries, family background, etc. It enables the institution to attach all correspondence related to the student, in any format. Via the Student Profile Module, a multi-functional Student ID card (bar encoded, smart chip, contact-less card) is generated, which serves attendance monitoring, library & facilities access, cashless purchases, etc. |