> Solutions > Education and Training > EduCampus > Pedagogical Management |

Pedagogical Management
Course Management Module |
This Module enables the institution to build the entire academic program for the upcoming term/year, etc. This includes setting up the course structure, subjects, classes/intakes, and course & subject & class combination. All the subjects are linked to the Timetable Scheduler for the purpose of generating the respective class schedules.
The system guides the students as to the required modules they must take, depending on the student's personal qualifications and any other defined criterion. If certain courses are full, the system proposes alternates, and if a pre-requisite is required, the system will deny the student access to a course until the pre-requisite has been completed. The pre-requisites can include hours, credits or courses.
The system is fully integrated with the Payment / Billings Module and/or an institute's existing financial system, thus enabling it to determine and consolidate the accounts payable and receivables status as well as the students' eligibility status. All the pre-determined rules are created quickly and easily, allowing for on-the-fly modification & parameter definitions.
Timetable Scheduler Module |
The Timetable is generated based on the availabilities of facilities, lecturers, students and the course combinations. Schedules are automatically disseminated to students, lecturers and administrators. It is also integrated with the Facility Management Module allowing for synchronized booking of facilities. |
Examinations Module |
This Module enables the faculty to plan and manage exams. It will generate the examination number and the identity slip for each student. The faculty/administrator can set and maintain different types of grading structures and pre-requisites for sitting for the exam. It is integrated with the Business Intelligence Module which provides detailed analysis of grades, drill-down capabilities to study student performance, etc. |
Graduation Module |
The Graduation Module retrieves results from the Examinations Module and automatically generates grades, pass/fail status and credit points, etc., for each individual student. This is further enhanced by percentile/class/level/faculty/in-take, ranking & grade adjustments such as Bell Curve, etc. Progress report cards, course completion certificates, awards list, etc., are all generated through this Module. |