The Payment / Billing Module handles course fees, registration fees, hostel fees, and all forms of student dues. It also facilitates management and integration of income from donors, government & other grants, sponsors and other types of income.
This Module includes automatic billing based on pre-set conditions, such as specific student status, course fees, as well as grants and sponsorships. In addition, penalties such as late tuition payment fees, library fines, facility booking fees, etc are all customizable as well as tracked and monitored with integrated reminders disseminated automatically.
The Module is multi-currency enabled, and supports a variety of payment modes such as credit cards, cheques, telegraphic transfers, demand drafts, etc.
The Payment Module is further equipped with additional features which include due date reminders through e-mails and Short Messaging Service (SMS). Receipt and payment vouchers can also be seamlessly printed out directly from this module. This Module provides a broad base of customizable reports such as ageing report, statement of accounts, cash flow statements, etc.
Other features of the Module include:
Generate invoice based on student dues
Student refund cheques
Control payments by date
Online editing of accounts
Query for open and paid accounts, invoices and cheques
Reconcile cheques with bank data
Create finance plans