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Web Application

Java has emerged as a leading development environment based on its platform-independent, multi-threaded, component-oriented architecture. Java offers outstanding scalability and extensibility across devices to meet changing business needs.

QuintegraUS offers a complete range of services for the enablement of your eBusiness needs. We have experience in building large, heterogeneous, complex web applications to a simple client server application, to web enablement of your existing legacy systems. We have experience in integrating best-in-class technologies to provide you with a flexible and cost effective solution which will grow with your business needs.

Our team has developed applications using Java technologies across a wide array of vertical markets including Supply Chain Management, Business Intelligence and Storage Solutions.

Our experience includes:

Technology architecture / design
Core product engineering
Product support
Product maintenance

We have successfully implemented Java/J2EE technology on Unix and Windows platforms. Our complementary technology expertise include application servers (IBM WebSphere, BEA WebLogic & Oracle Application Server), Web Servers (Resin, Apache & Tomcat), and databases (Oracle, SQL, mySQL, etc.).

Our end-to-end capabilities of prototyping, application visualization, concept-refinement, design, implementation, maintenance and customer support all ensure efficient delivery and flexible solutions tailored to client objectives.

"All of the resources from QuintegraUS have already added tremendous value to eBay Internet Marketing business unit. We along with the Internet Marketing Business unit we support are very happy with QuintegraUS resources. Without these excellent resources our job would be much harder if not impossible."

- Manager, eBay Inc.

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