Guiding Principles

When PAC was formed, the founders envisioned creating a new type of IT Services Company. One that would be governed by the following principles:
  • Our customers are the reason we exist - 100% customer satisfaction is the minimum not the maximum. We do not make customer commitments lightly, but when we commit, we will do what is necessary to deliver
  • Ethics are not a theory - There is no grey-area when it comes to ethical behavior, both from the company and from its’ people
  • We are a profit-oriented company - Our Company is in business to make money. A strong balance sheet will help win us more customers and will attract investors to support our growth
  • Our people are the company – We have no products. We provide solutions that are differentiated from competitors by the people behind these solutions. We will attract, grow and keep talented and committed people
  • Nimble can-do spirit – People will be empowered to do their job. Bureaucracy will small while support will be plentiful
  • Low Over-head – Collectively we would rather live in a palace than work in one. Over-head is a vital part of delivering quality services to our customers. However, over-head functions and expenses will be managed to never exceed that which is necessary to deliver quality services to our customers
  • Have Fun – Fun and work are not mutually exclusive.